Juicy Way To Health
What better way to get on the health wagon than filling up on fresh and pure juices from nature’s bounties! That’s right…nature offers plentiful in terms of nutrition and health..and given the modern day ills its imperative to resort to mother nature again and restore the glow of health.
Here are some potent combinations of healthy ingredients that can go beyond just quenching your thirst.
A powerful mix of beetroot, celery and cilantro delivers the right nutrients to detox and replenish stores of natural nutrition. Beetroot is a proven powerhouse of nitrates that clean up arteries preventing them from getting clogged, while celery and cilantro provide a good dose of minerals and vitamins to boost health. Cilantro is rich in vitamins A, C and K , besides being great sources of lutein and zeaxanthin – the all mighty antioxidants. To make it more complete, ginger and lemon bring the tang and zing. Ginger is a widely used spice and an ayurvedic antidote to many problems ranging from nausea, seasickness, to constipation and digestive aid.
The goodness of yellow and orange colours are well known. Carrots and orange juices bring together a booster dose of beta carotene that is another form of vitamin A , besides being a great antioxidant that helps fight aging , cancer and aids in achieving a smooth skin and bright vision .
Fresh turmeric and honey are the best known antibiotics that nature offers and work much better than the synthetic medicines.
Attack is the best form of defense, particularly against viral and bacterial infections that are spreading fast and quick everywhere. Attack them with the aggressive mix of rehydration and flavanoids in the fresh mix of peach , tea and mint. Tea boosts the immune system while mint cools down a stressed digestive tract and fights infections.
What do you get when you combine the soothing currents of coconut water and the rejuvenating profiles of pomegranate and chia seeds ? Calmness of course..of mind and body. Chia packs in heart and brain healthy omega 3 fats while pomegranate infuses disease fighting agents.
A juice that can be a meal replacement? Try this vitalizing complete juice with spinach, pineapple, almonds, flax seeds and mint. This all in one revitalizer is rich in fiber , minerals, vitamins and healthy fats that boost up the “good cholesterol”. What’s more..? spinach, mint and pineapple deliver all the vitamin C you need in a day.
Calorie Care brings you the very best from the heart of nature’s health bouquets. The refreshing juice combinations not only hydrate, but boost your immune powers that is the key to avoiding falling ill and staying on top of your health..in all seasons. Visit caloriecare.com for the juicy treats.